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CD-adapco Forms Internal Combustion Engine Team

New team will be led by Dr. Richard Johns.

New team will be led by Dr. Richard Johns.

By DE Editors

CD-adapco has formed of a new Internal Combustion Engine Team, to be led by Dr. Richard Johns, who has worked to bring advanced automotive engine computational fluid dynamics (CFD)  to industry for more than 35 years.

In his new role as vice president of the Internal Combustion Engine Team, Johns will be in overall control of all aspects of CD-adapco’s engine simulation technology,  including STAR-CD v4 solver development, pre- and post-processing development,  ICE related technical support, testing and project management.

Johns joined Perkins Engines in 1969 as a student and, after graduating in 1973 with a degree in mechanical engineering, joined their research department. After two years of developing cycle simulation and thermal analysis software, Perkins supported his Ph.D. study at Imperial College in engine CFD. During his five years at Imperial College he developed computational methods for the flow in diesel engine cylinders and the first discrete droplet spray model applied to in-cylinder flows.

He subsequently joined AVL in Graz, Austria where he established the CFD software group and was also responsible for the laser diagnostics used for validation of the computations. In 1987 he joined Ricardo where, again, he established a CFD software group and was subsequently responsible for both the commercial software business and engineering CAE applications. He was appointed President of Ricardo Software in 1995 and, in 1998, to the Board of Ricardo Consulting Engineers Ltd. He joined CD-adapco in 2005 as Director for the Automotive Industry, a position that he will now relinquish for his new role.

“Whether it’s a new fuel, new combustion model or a new lightweight material, realistic simulation is an integral tool in successfully bringing new technologies to market,” said Johns. “CD-adapco is the long-time leading provider of CFD technology to the automotive industry, with over two decades of intake-to-tailpipe industrial know-how. In this new role, I am excited to be able to play a pivotal role in extending CD-adapco’s lead in this market, and I am fully dedicated to helping our customers to meet all of the challenges that ICE simulation has to offer.”

For more information, visit CD-adapco.

Sources:  Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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