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Casa Systems Implements Omnify Software

The company is using it for electronic change management.

Casa Systems, a provider in next-generation broadband technology, has implemented Onmify Empower PLM (product lifecycle management) software to manage its BOM (bill of material) and engineering change documents.

According to the company, Casa Systems was growing incredibly fast and they needed to find a solution to support formal engineering change control processes in order to eliminate issues they were experiencing with accountability, delays and lost information. They wanted an intuitive, easy to use and affordable product that would scale with them as they grew. Their primary requirement was that it integrated with their existing engineering design environment.

“I have previous experience with PLM systems so I knew what I was looking for, and after seeing a demo on Omnify Empower I knew it was exactly what we needed,” said Kristin Couturier, Documentation Control manager/ISO administrator for Casa Systems. “We found the product to be very intuitive, allows easy access to necessary product information, and offers a price that is right for a small company. The key selling point for us was that Empower PLM talks to our engineering design software, Mentor Graphics DXDesigner, and with other PLM systems it was an additional module at an additional cost.”

For more information, visit Omnify Software.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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