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Call for NAFEMS Conference Presentations

Abstracts are to be submitted by June 20.

NAFEMS will be holding its second European Conference on multiphysics in Manchester, United Kingdom. The conference is aimed at providing an overall picture of state-of-the-art methods for coupled and multiphysics simulations within industrial and CAE applications. From October 21-22, attendees can listen to lectures, view exhibits and participate in breakout sessions.

Topics that will be covered include industrial applications of multiphysics, collaboration between industry and academia, multiphysics and high-performance computing (HPC) as well as optimization, teaching and validation of multiphysics.

The conference amasses researchers, developers, teachers and multiphysics simulation method users to present new results, exchange ideas and discuss challenges. It is an excellent opportunity to connect to other practitioners in the field of multiphysics and coupled simulations, the organization states.

In order to be considered for a presentation, abstracts of 300 to 600 words should be submitted no later than June 20. They must include presentation title, author’s name, organization, address, phone numbers and email address for contact.

Accepted abstracts will be asked to prepare an extended abstract of 2 to 4 pages and a PowerPoint presentation. Full written papers are not required.

Submissions can be sent to Jo Davenport.

For more informations, visit NAFEMS.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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