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Caedium Goes Parallel for Faster CFD

Can work in parallel on a multi-core computer or on a Windows HPC 2008 cluster.

Can work in parallel on a multi-core computer or on a Windows HPC 2008 cluster.

By DE Editors

Caedium Goes Parallel for Faster CFD

The latest release of Symscape’s Caedium (v2.2) can now perform computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations in parallel on a single computer with multiple cores or on a cluster running Microsoft Windows HPC Server 2008. Either way it means a reduction in simulation turnaround time compared to previous versions of Caedium. Also available with this release are 64-bit versions of Caedium for Windows and Linux, which can perform larger simulations because they are no longer restricted by the 32-bit memory limit.

Caedium uses a custom version of OpenFOAM to provide high performance computing (HPC) CFD solvers,  presented in a graphical user interface simulation environment for Windows,  Linux, and Mac.

The new parallel capabilities can be configured with two preferences for a multi-core computer. To run parallel CFD simulations on a Windows HPC Server 2008 cluster requires an additional three preference changes.

For more information, visit Symscape.

Sources:  Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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