Book Helps Move from AutoCAD to TurboCAD

E-book targets AutoCAD users considering a switch to TurboCAD Pro.

E-book targets AutoCAD users considering a switch to TurboCAD Pro.

By DE Editors

upFront.eZine Publishing, Ltd. (Abbotsford, BC) has released the secondedition of its e-book TurboCAD for AutoCAD Users. Updated to keep pacewith changes in Autodesk’s AutoCAD 2007 and IMSI’s TurboCAD Professional 12, this168-page e-book leverages the Adobe Acrobat format and is written forAutoCAD users interested in transitioning to the lower-cost TurboCADProfessional.

TurboCAD for AutoCAD Users features offers a number of comparisons andcontrasts between AutoCAD and TurboCAD. Its side-by-side tutorials showyou how to create 2D and 3D models in both CAD packages, with theequivalent steps to produce a model in AutoCAD and in TurboCAD facingeach other on adjacent pages.

The second edition TurboCAD for AutoCAD Users also covers such topicsas how to set up and create 2D drawings and 3D designs as well as how tohandle DWG import and export. It also offers a command cross-referenceand a jargon dictionary.

TurboCAD for AutoCAD Users is formatted for printing on standard 8.5- x11-inch paper, and its margins are designed for three-hole punching.All illustrations are in color.

The Adobe Acrobat-formatted TurboCAD for AutoCAD Users e-book isavailable immediately via email, ftp, or web browser for $29.95 (USfunds). A CD version is available for $34.95 (US), shipping included. Tolearn more about TurboCAD for AutoCAD Users, read the full table ofcontents, view select pages, and ordering details, click here.

upFront.eZine Publishing also offers PDF e-books on General CADD Pro,IntelliCAD, TurboCAD, Visio, and AutoCAD LT, 2006, 2007, and 2005 andearlier. Click here for more details. Click here to go to theupFront.eZine Publishing home page.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.


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