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Arena Launches Arena Verify

This program adds requirements and defect management as part of the company's software.

Arena Solutions, a provider of cloud-based PLM, has released Arena Verify as part of its 2016 Fall Release. This version adds defect management and requirements, providing an all-in-one product development platform.

Arena’s product development platform links collaborative development to the product record for a continuous improvement process that brings unprecedented visibility, clarity and flexibility to all the participants in the development process, according to the company. Uniting the efforts of software, firmware, mechanical and electrical engineers allows them to innovate together to identify requirements, integrate designs and improve product quality.

“Our goal is to provide those OEMs with complex electronics an all-in-one platform for product development, because there’s no reason these systems should live in separate silos,” said Steve Chalgren, executive vice president of product management and chief strategy officer, Arena Solutions. “Engineers, designers, quality managers, operations, manufacturing and stakeholders throughout the extended supply chain all need access to product data so they can work together to produce the highest quality product in the shortest amount to time. The introduction of Arena Verify brings together this unified solution.”

For more information, visit Arena Solutions.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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