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Aras PLM Platform Intended to Extend Digital Thread into Manufacturing and Service

Enables quality professionals to execute closed-loop corrective action/preventive action and initiate enterprise-wide product change.

Aras has announced availability of new functionality in Aras Innovator to enable quality management professionals to react to quality events and cascade change requirements across all facets of product development. This new capability in the Quality Management Systems (QMS) application connects manufacturing and service to product engineering to create a digital thread for product quality, the company says. In addition, the latest version of Aras Innovator adds new usability and productivity features..

The latest version of Aras Innovator is available for open download. Existing subscribers are entitled to software upgrades performed by Aras at no additional charge, regardless of the amount of system customization.

Enterprise-wide Quality Management

Quality management professionals face the challenge of quickly responding to quality issues and communicating change requirements enterprise-wide. The new Quality Systems (QS) component in Aras QMS connects the proactive and reactive aspects of quality management, integrating quality processes into engineering and manufacturing.

Aras says QS enables:

  • Closed-loop corrective action/preventive action (CAPA) – accelerates identification, containment, and analysis of issues, and tracking of affected items;
  • Root cause analysis (RCA) – offers a variety of RCA tools; fault tree analysis, fishbone analysis, and five whys;
  • Collaboration – supports quality review through Visual Collaboration, business rules and workflow, and aggregation and packaging of CAP items; and
  • Reporting – provides 8D reporting and tracking of CAPA metrics (% closed, % due).
A slide presented at Aras' ACE 2017 conference shows how the company's roadmap has grown. A slide presented at Aras’ ACE 2017 conference shows how the company’s roadmap has grown.

New Usability and Fast Access to Information

The latest version of Aras Innovator adds a range of user interface (UI) enhancements that include:

  • Tab mode – offers a Tab view to avoid launching multiple windows during an Aras Innovator session;
  • Enhanced search – a new preview option that allows quick viewing of full item details directly from search results;
  • Deep Linking – allows users to share asset locations through direct URL hyperlinks; and
  • Microsoft Edge support – enables Aras Innovator access through the Microsoft Edge browser
“With this latest release of Aras Innovator, we continue to expand the Aras PLM Platform, whether building out the Quality Management System application for the specific needs of quality professionals or extending the platform to connect Engineering, Manufacturing and Service to enable Digital Thread,” stated John Sperling, VP Product Management, Aras, via a press release.

For more information, visit the Aras PLM Platform and Aras Quality Management Systems websites.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and presentations at ACE 2017.

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