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aPriori v5.5 Enterprise Cost Management Platform

Reduces cost of goods sold and adds support for sand casting.

Reduces cost of goods sold and adds support for sand casting.

By DE Editors

aPriori (Concord, MA) released aPriori v5.5,  the newest version of its Enterprise Cost Management software platform that provides real-time, predictive, and precise product cost assessments throughout the development and delivery process.

aPriori v5.5 enables manufacturing organizations to reduce cost of goods sold by identifying quantifiable savings in material, tooling, labor, and overhead while evaluating alternative designs, processes, and sources.

The software adds Sand Casting support to its physics-based process models,  improving its ability to assess the cost of sand-cast products. It supports a variety of Sand Casting mold-making methods and discrete Sand Casting subprocesses including material melting, core making, pouring, cooling/solidification,  shake-out, cleaning, finishing, and inline inspection.

aPriori extracts tolerance and roughness information directly from the CAD model and generates cost assessments using these parameters. Its Cross-Facility Costing enables organizations to compute the costs for a single component manufactured across multiple internal or supplier factories.

Enhanced Cost Analysis & Scenario Modeling improves sourcing decision-support, through scenario modeling and reporting capabilities for performing detailed analysis/comparisons between aPriori-costed parts and/or assemblies,  third-party quotes and historical costing data. aPriori’s configurable,  spreadsheet-like interface allows users to focus on the cost metrics that are relevant to the current decision.

For more information, go to aPriori.

Sources:  Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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