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aPriori 2015 R1 Announced

The platform now has enhanced user management and improved cost overhead calculation.

aPriori, a provider of enterprise product cost management platforms, has released aPriori 2015 R1. This latest version, according to the company, is structured to meet manufacturers’ cost management needs for product design and engineering through strategic sourcing, manufacturing and assembly.

This software leverage CAD and intelligent cost models to generate a detailed manufacturing analysis and cost estimates. It is able to import all BOMs (bill of materials) from enterprise resource planning (ERP), product lifecycle management (PLM) and other enterprise applications.

In aPriori 2015 R1, added features include enhanced user management and access control, improved cost overhead calculation, user-guided cost model and increased usability for fine-tuning cost estimates.

“In aPriori 2015 R1, we continue to evolve our platform to help manufacturers realize greater cost efficiencies and profits across a larger set of their products,” said Julie Driscoll, aPriori’s vice president of Strategic Marketing and Product Management. “In addition to enabling more employees to manage cost, we’re also providing manufacturers with the ability to cost more types of components. The new release also gives users more control to fine tune cost estimates to reflect the unique characteristics of their products and parts, as well as the capabilities of their suppliers. As a result, customers will be able to drive greater product cost efficiencies across their entire product lifecycle.”

For more information, visit aPriori.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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