Ansoft and Maxwell to Create Model Library of Ultracapacitor Components

Simulation library will help next-generation energy-storage systems for automotive, industrial, and aerospace applications.

Simulation library will help next-generation energy-storage systems for automotive, industrial, and aerospace applications.

By DE Editors

Maxwell Technologies Inc. (San Diego, CA) and Ansoft Corporation(Pittsburgh, PA) announced that they will develop a model library ofMaxwell’s BOOSTCAP ultracapacitor cells and multi-cell modules usingthe VHDL-AMS modeling language for use in Ansoft’s SIMPLORER.

“The library will contain a wide range of ultracapacitor cell andmodule products to ensure that our current and future customers willhave the necessary elements to develop the next generation ofenergy-storage systems,” said Dr. John M. Miller, Maxwell’s vicepresident of advanced transportation applications, in the press release.

Ultracapacitors are high-capacity energy-storage devices that deliverbursts of high power and recharge rapidly from any energy source overhundreds of thousands of cycles. BOOSTCAP cells are said to deliver up to 10 timesthe power, last up to 10 times as long, operate more reliably in high-and low-temperature conditions, require far less maintenance, andreduce environmental issues associated with battery disposal.Ultracapacitors are used to produce cleaner and more fuel-efficienthybrid-electric/internal-combustion buses, trucks, and automobiles. Thetechnology is ideal for powering initial acceleration, operatingelectrical subsystems, and regenerative braking.

VHDL-AMS is the IEEE-endorsed standard modeling language (standard1076.1) created to provide a general-purpose, open language foranalog-mixed-signal designs. Models that adhere to this standard areuseable in all simulation tools that adhere to the VHDL-AMS standard.

For more information, visit,

Sources: Press materials received from the company.


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