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Anaglyph Releases Laminate Tools, PlyMatch Updates

Laminate Tools includes new geometry and manufacture module enhancements.

Laminate Tools includes new geometry and manufacture module enhancements.

By DE Editors

Anaglyph has released Laminate Tools v4.2 (the company’s Windows application that integrates design, analysis and manufacture of composite structures) and has enhanced PlyMatch, the company’s ply placement visual control technology.

Laminate Tools complements existing CAD systems and/or FEA environments, with native support for Nastran, Ansys and Abaqus that ensures wide compatibility in the analysis of composites. The new version introduces new features in the Geometry, Design, Check and Manufacture modules. The PlyMatch interface now allows ply placement inspection and deviation measurement, and the solution now supports software-based floating licenses.

Improved geometry translation includes additional control parameters and faster sewing when loading named surfaces. Element sets are also created for the component surfaces of merged surfaces, for easy picking.

The solution now includes a material/ply/layup export to spreadsheet function, to be used for re-importing onto a morphed or translated mesh. Other design enhancements include options to define ply or offset vectors by picking nodes, and several modified COM functions.

The company has also added support for Abaqus files and Ansys RST files, and has implemented SigmaNEST spreadsheet output.

PlyMatch has been updated to include automatic recalibration for mirrored parts; the ability to pan when zoomed in; hardware support for Windows 7; a fixed calibration method with 6 points, and improved fixed camera calibration method with 4 points.

For more information, visit Anaglyph.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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