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Altair Expands Integration with Siemens PLM Software to Enhance Data Exchange

Altair will offer direct connections to Teamcenter portfolio.

Altair will offer direct connections to Teamcenter portfolio.

Altair has broadened its relationship with Siemens PLM Software to enable closer collaboration in the exchange of data among product lifecycle management (PLM) teams that employ Altair computer-aided engineering (CAE) tools in analyzing product designs and materials.

As part of the expanded relationship, Altair will now offer direct connections to Siemens’ Teamcenter portfolio, JT data format (a lightweight ISO standard data format that makes it possible to view and share digital 3D product information in real-time throughout all phases of the product’s lifecycle), and Fibersim portfolio of software for composites engineering.

The first new development stemming from this expansion is the integration between Teamcenter and Altair’s HyperWorks CAE software platform. The new functionality in the HyperWorks collaboration tools allows users to either connect to Teamcenter directly from within HyperMesh and the HyperWorks Desktop user interface or work seamlessly by launching HyperMesh from within Teamcenter through the PLM XML interface.

This connection provides HyperWorks users with access to information shared via Teamcenter and enables active collaboration among teammates on CAE projects without leaving the HyperWorks environment. The connection enables users to search and retrieve data directly from the Teamcenter repository. Computer-aided design (CAD) and bill of materials (BOM) files can be retrieved and loaded directly into HyperMesh and HyperWorks Desktop.

The second development is a direct interface to the JT data format that is now freely available to all HyperWorks users. The JT interface is now offered as a standard, out-of- the-box component within HyperWorks.

Altair has also released a HyperWorks interface to Fibersim. With the Fibersim interface, Altair HyperWorks users will be able to read the draping and ply data in Fibersim, apply it directly in the analysis of the composite structure and close the loop by providing feedback to the designer.

For more information, visit Altair and Siemens PLM Software.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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