Altair and Oasys Jointly Offer Enhanced Safety Modeling Solutions

This collaborative approach allows access to a combined service platform of Altair HyperWorks and Oasys PRIMER to the automotive market

This collaborative approach allows access to a combined service platform of Altair HyperWorks and Oasys PRIMER to the automotive market

Altair Engineering Inc. has entered into a joint development agreement with Oasys, the software house of Arup, to now provide an integrated solution for safety simulation modeling.

This collaborative approach allows access to a combined service platform of Altair HyperWorks and Oasys PRIMER to the automotive market for an advanced solution for safety modeling. This platform is accessible through the Altair HyperWorks environment, allowing engineers to prepare data for crash simulations.

Altair HyperWorks is powered by artificial intelligence-augmented 3D modeling and visualization tools, along with next-gen design and optimization workflows. This allows users to manage large and complex models, unveiling insights and optimizing designs. Oasys PRIMER is used for the preparation and modification of crash safety analysis models.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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