AI-Powered Enterprise Search for Engineering

New features in the Sinequa platform allow engineers to search and re-use information throughout the product lifecycle.

New features in the Sinequa platform allow engineers to search and re-use information throughout the product lifecycle.

Enterprise Search company Sinequa has added new capabilities to its Search Cloud platform that it says will enable manufacturers and engineers to easily and reliably discover, generate and reuse information and insights throughout the product lifecycle and digital thread. Sinequa will present its AI-enabled search and insight engine for manufacturers at PTC LiveWorx 2023 in Boston this week.

Sinequa’s platform now combines Neural Search and Microsoft Azure Open AI Service with Large Language Models (LLM)—the same technology underpinning ChatGPT. Engineering teams can gain fast, accurate, unified search and insight generation across projects, products and parts within an organizations’ design, supply chain, manufacturing, and services processes, the company claims. Question-answering capabilities and automated summaries help streamline workflows, collaboration, and improve decision-making throughout the product lifecycle.

“Sinequa Search Cloud is an essential component of digital threads that manufacturers have envisioned for many years,” says Xavier Pornain, Senior Vice President, Global Manufacturing at Sinequa. “Sinequa’s AI-powered search connects the data across disparate systems, making relevant information discoverable and actionable. Now, powerful capabilities combine Sinequa’s Neural Search with industry-leading generative AI models, backed by inherent strengths in the security, scale, and reliability of Azure. Manufacturers can accelerate innovation, improve workforce and customer satisfaction, and finally achieve operational excellence.”

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