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April 23, 2014
Agilent Technologies has released its Reference Solutions, a combination of customizable hardware, software and measurement expertise that delivers essential components for electronic testing systems.
Reference Solutions is Agilent’s first RF power amplifier (PA) manufacturing test solution with envelope tracking capability. The company states its graphical user interface allows for easy solution evaluation, optimized example source code, fast modulation analysis and excellent accuracy plus measurement repeatability.
This RF PA Reference Solution is built using the Agilent M9391A PXIe VSA and M9381 PXIe VSG. Both use hardware-accelerated measurements and baseband tuning technology to provide servo-loop test time through rapid frequency and amplitude adjustments. Agilent states this system enables test times of less than 300 ms for complete test programs.
Users may also implement existing test code. This creates reduced test integration and development times.
The M9391A PXIe VSA and M9381 PXIe VSG also include up to 6 GHz frequency coverage and 160 MHz bandwidth.
“Power amplifier manufacturers seldom have exactly the same test requirements, but they all want to quickly and easily bring their devices to production when developing a new test system,” said Mario Narduzzi, marketing manager, Modular Solutions Division, Agilent. “This Reference Solution for RF PA manufacturing test meets these needs by providing the essential components of a power amplifier test system with the right combination of hardware, software and measurement expertise, enabling fast integration into a test environment and dramatically reducing test system development time.”
For more information, visit Agilent Technologies.
Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.
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