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3Dconnexion 3D Mice Supported by HP Remote Graphics Software

Plus, SpaceExplorer and SpacePilot now support Autodesk 3ds Max 2008 and Maya 2008.

Plus, SpaceExplorer and SpacePilot now support Autodesk 3ds Max 2008 and Maya 2008.

By DE Editors

Designers can achieve advanced 3D navigation and control when working remotely in any application supported by 3Dconnexion (San Jose, CA), using the SpaceExplorer or SpacePilot to fly through 3D scenes and move 3D objects now that they are supported by HP Remote Graphics Software Version 5 (RGS). Designers gain advanced 3D navigation and control when working remotely in any application supported by 3Dconnexion.

In addition, 3Dconnexion’s 3D mice allow design teams to manipulate 3D objects and scenes while collaborating and communicating in real-time on design and visualization projects.

Unlike mice confined to motion on two flat planes, the SpaceExplorer and SpacePilot 3D mice allow effortless movement and control within 3D applications offering precise control to view and edit 3D designs. By simply moving the controller cap, 3D engineers working remotely with HP RGS can simultaneously pan, zoom, and rotate without stopping to select commands, significantly impacting their overall design experience and productivity. A slight increase in pressure accelerates motion, while a slight decrease in pressure slows motion for precise micro-adjustments.

3Dconnexion 3D mice are supported by more than 120 of current 3D applications, including CATIA, Pro/ENGINEER, NXT, SolidWorks, Autodesk Inventor, AutoCAD, Solid Edge, and all top-tier 3D CAD applications. HP RGS supports 3Dconnexion’s SpaceExplorer (MSRP $299), and SpacePilot (MSRP $399) in all 3Dconnexion supported applications on Windows XP. Use this link for a list of applications supported by 3Dconnexion.

In a second announcement, 3Dconnexion’s line of 3D mice now supports Autodesk 3ds Max 2008 and Maya 2008, bringing improved navigation and solutions to the CAD and DCC markets.

Contact 3Dconnexion for details.


Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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