3D3 Solutions Updates FlexScan3D Software

New release provides multi-core processor support.

New release provides multi-core processor support.

By DE Editors

3D3 Solutions, a developer of white-light 3D scanning systems, has released the latest version of its 3D scanning software, FlexScan3D 3.1. The proprietary technology powers the companys line of HDI 3D Scanners and is also available separately for companies that want to build their own custom 3D scanners for OEM applications. The updated version focuses on optimizing 3D scanning and mesh processing capabilities.

The new combine feature removes duplicate and overlapping data, making it much easier and faster to generate a clean 360 degree 3D model than previous versions of the software. Multi-core processor support delivers faster mesh generation and processing, and a new merging algorithm generates more accurate and detailed 3D models.

The update also features improved mesh rendering for additional realism, advanced 3D scanner control settings that help to achieve optimal 3D scanning performance, and support for Point Grey USB 3.0 and GigE cameras for high speed scanning.

FlexScan3D 3.1 also includes an expanded API library and scripting functions for developers to customize automated 3D scanner controls and data processing tailored specifically for their applications.

For more information, visit 3D3 Solutions.

ources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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