3D Systems Unveils Figure 4 Integrated Additive Manufacturing Platform

New platform is designed to transform production of mass customized and complex end use parts while meeting durability and repeatability requirements of production environments.

3D Systems is offering what it calls a modular, scalable and integrated additive manufacturing platform. 3D Systems’  Figure 4 production platform is designed to produce plastic parts fast, delivering lower total cost of operations while offering compelling comparisons to conventional methods.

Based on its Figure 4 technology, 3D Systems’ new platform allows customers to tailor configurations and select materials to address specific applications.  Configurations range from single-print engine machines to fully automated, high-volume production systems with 16 or more print engines, automated material delivery and integrated post-processing.

“We believe our breakthrough Figure 4 platform will revolutionize manufacturing by transforming production of both mass customized and complex end use parts with a compelling total cost of operations versus conventional methods,” says Vyomesh Joshi (VJ), president and CEO, 3D Systems. “While others are realizing the need to transition from prototyping to production, we are delivering real solutions across all key vertical markets and applications that are helping customers solve problems today.”

Over time, the company intends to extend the Figure 4 platform application by application to meet specific customer needs across healthcare, aerospace, automotive and durable goods industries.

Visit 3D Systems.

Sources: Press materials received from the company.

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