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2013 Global Product Data Interoperability Summit Expands

Boeing, Northrop Grumman, and Elysium event focuses on boosting productivity through the use of common data streams.

Boeing, Northrop Grumman, and Elysium event focuses on boosting productivity through the use of common data streams.

The Boeing Company, Northrop Grumman, and Elysium will hold the fifth joint Global Product Data Interoperability Summit (GPDIS) on Sept. 9-12, at the Sheraton Wild Horse Pass Resort in Chandler, Ariz. The theme of this year’s Summit is “Enabling Productivity with Common Data Streams.”


According to the sponsoring companies, the growing popularity of the GPDIS has led to it being held two months earlier than in previous years, and in a larger venue to accommodate more vendors/sponsors. The event is held at no cost to industry professionals and supply chain partners in aerospace, automotive, related industries, and academia.

“This year we have more room to showcase an even wider range of the latest technologies that address the business challenges of CAD/CAM/CAE data exchange,” said GPDIS executive management team member and event organizer Ken Tashiro, vice president and COO of Elysium.

“Fundamentally, being able to provide product information as needed by the end users, without having to do transformations and conversions, is the key challenge facing us going forward,” said Nancy Bailey, vice president of IT at Boeing. “This is why this summit is so important, as it creates a forum for us to come together and get deep into those technical discussions around what our options and alternatives are for actually moving the data to a position of information in a way that we can sustain and maintain going forward.”

“The Summit brings together industry leaders, suppliers, subject matter experts and individual contributors in an informal environment,” said Nate Nalven, director of engineering applications at Northrop Grumman. “We have found this setting to be ideal in generating meaningful ideas and affordable solutions, and architecting enterprise-strategic roadmaps for the greater good of industry overall.”

For more information, visit the GPDIS website.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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