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Multiphysics Software

Engineer Bakes up a Simulation Recipe for Efficiency
Whirlpool bakes a brick and mixes the results with multiphysics software to improve appliance performance.
COMSOL Introduces Multiphysics 5.0
New features include three add-on products, an Application Builder as well as extensive updates.
Cobham Technical Services Launches New Parallel Processing Simulator
The Space Charge module offers a comprehensive set of surface and volume emission models.
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COMSOL News 2014 Now Available
The overview is that COMSOL News is all about multiphysics simulation from concept through deployment.
Call for NAFEMS Conference Presentations
Abstracts are to be submitted by June 20.
CST Automates Electromagnetic and Multiphysics Simulation Workflows
The release of 2014 CST STUDIO SUITE can also be useful for multiscale simulations in complex systems.
ATOA Scientific Technologies Joins NASSCOM
Membership of the trade body will help escalate business, and develop further relationships with local and global clients.
Altair Announces Keynotes for European Altair Technology Conference
Presenters include Porsche, Scania, Stadler Rail, Valeo and more.
Innovation with the Multiphysics Touch
COMSOL's multiphysics simulation solutions are designed to help engineering organizations grapple with increasing complexity.
Collaborate to Innovate
The ideas design engineers contribute will save and improve lives in ways we can only imagine.
Pick of the Week: Altair Releases HyperWorks 12.0
Release focuses on simulation-driven design, composites, and multiphysics analysis.
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Editor’s Pick: Altair Releases HyperWorks 12.0
Release focuses on simulation-driven design, composites, and multiphysics analysis.
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Check it Out: COMSOL User Conference Papers and Presentations Online
ANSYS 14.5 Available
New technology enhancements deliver engineering productivity and innovation through improved multiphysics analyses and HPC capabilities.
COMSOL Multiphysics 4.3a Released
Introduces new LiveLink products for Microsoft Excel and Solid Edge, Amazon EC2 cloud computing support.

Latest News

Referred to as the hypercar of industrial 3D printing, represents a fusion of mechatronics, industrial automation, electronics, software, materials science,...

Stratasys and AM Craft Partner
Aim is to drive growth in 3D part manufacturing for aviation.

Caracol brings Large-Format Additive Manufacturing to CA
Company exhibiting at Rapid + TCT 2024 with its partners DIVE and Filament Innovations.

New & Noteworthy: Fast, Flexible and Scalable Simulation – In the Cloud
Ansys Access on Microsoft Azure enables seamless deployment of industry-leading simulation tools on a reliable, secure cloud platform infrastructure.

Enhanced Version of Dyndrite LPBF Pro
Software delivers expanded supports control and expanded Renishaw metal 3D printer compatibility.

SPEE3D Announces US-Based Manufacturing Facility and Applications Center
New location enables SPEE3D to closely collaborate with customers locally, including the U.S. Department of Defense.

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