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Cloud Computing

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Editor’s Pick: Requirements, Product Record and Quality Linked
New requirements management capabilities said to foster collaboration and help increase new product success.
Requirements, Product Record and Quality Linked
New requirements management capabilities said to foster collaboration and help increase new product success.
Moving CAE Applications to the Cloud is Getting Easier
Today, major cloud hurdles are well understood and mostly have been resolved, and access and use of cloud resources became as easy as in-house desktop systems.
Autodesk Netfabb 2019 Enhanced by Simulation and Latticing Features
Netfabb simulation uses a multi-scale modeling approach.
Siemens and Alibaba Partner on China IIoT Collaboration
The German corporation will enable its MindSphere operating system to be available on Alibaba's cloud-computing platform for users in mainland China, according to the companies.
Huawei to Resell Altair PBS Works for High-Performance Computing
Altair PBS Works workload management solution to be bundled with Huawei servers through global value-added reseller agreement.
EON Reality’s AVR Platform Targets Enterprise and Academia
The AVR Platform is a scalable, cloud based, Software-as-a-Service augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) Platform.
Editor’s Pick: CFD in the Cloud
EXN/Aero end-to-end CFD solution now hosted on Google Cloud platform.
CFD in the Cloud
EXN/Aero end-to-end CFD solution now hosted on Google Cloud platform.
Nimbix Launches HPC Hybrid Cloud Platform with JARVICE 3.0
The new platform extends HPC, AI and machine/deep learning applications and workflows into private and public Kubernetes infrastructure.
5G-Based Product Development
The possibilities available with 5G adoption will force many companies to rethink their businesses—and provide opportunity for smart startups.
Different Paths Toward Democratization
You can take your pick of revolutionary technologies changing the world today. In the field of design engineering, technologies like simulation, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, additive manufacturing and sensor-laden, connected products are just a few with society-altering promise.
Simulation in the Cloud
Cloud-based solutions allow engineers to access a wider variety of hardware instances than would be possible to support on-premise.
Onshape Debuts Onshape Enterprise
Onshape Enterprise helps companies accelerate their design processes while protecting IP to a degree that wasn't possible with old CAD and PDM, the company reports.
EXN/AERO Migrates to Google
EXN/Aero addresses many of the long-time restrictions and limitations faced by engineers, replacing inflexible and expensive CFD licenses with a pay-as-you-go model, according to Envenio.

Latest News

BigRep Launches the VIIO 250 Automated, Intuitive 3D Printer
The new large-scale system is designed to be an easy-to-use machine for nonstop 3D printing of industrial-grade parts. 

Stratasys and BASF Partner with Polypropylene Material
The material will be available for viewing at the Stratasys booth during the upcoming RAPID + TCT Expo.

America Makes’ Project Call Is Worth $2.1M in Funding 
Proposers for the project call are advised to reference the request for proposal for full details.

UPM Additive Solutions, Authentise Team for Vendor-Managed Solution
This offering is made to enhance material management, traceability, and efficiency for manufacturers, the companies report.

Reusable Manufacturing Mould Unveiled
The mould, said to be infinitely reusable, can reportedly produce parts faster than 3D printing.

Audi Sport Boosts Design and Production With Help of Ultimaker
By embracing 3D printing for tools, Audi Sport has slashed costs while reducing lead times, Audi Sports reports.

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