DE · Companies · Hadrian Company Profile


Torrance, California,
United States of America

With the world order looking more uncertain by the day and supply chain issues rocking the country, Hadrian’s mission to transform the US industrial base has never been more important. 

Being the planet’s most efficient factory means nothing unless we can scale up to billions in revenue capacity, fast enough to replace the aging high precision machining supply chain in the US. If we don't, our most important Space & Defense companies will be caught flat footed in what might be the most critical decade in the US’ history.

By enabling all US advanced manufacturers in Space, Defense, Semiconductor, Energy and Medical Devices to make their products 10x faster and 50% cheaper, Hadrian will empower US aligned actors to win Space Race II, and maintain peace through strength on Earth, in Orbit and in cislunar space.

If collectively, alongside our customers, we meet those twin goals, we will have ensured that as humanity settles the solar system and steps up to face the geopolitical and social challenges of the 2020's, it is led by actors aligned with a free & peaceful global order, not led by a totalitarian regime that has increasingly shown little regard for human life.

If Hadrian can play a small part in bending the arc of history towards the free, the brave, and the best humanity has to offer, our toil will have been worth it.
