ZWSOFT Announces Winners of the ZWCAD Design Contest 2011

Creative contest challenged architects, engineers, designers and drafters from around the globe.

Creative contest challenged architects, engineers, designers and drafters from around the globe.

By DE Editors

ZWSOFT has announced the winners of its ZWCAD Design Contest 2011. This creative contest challenged architects, engineers, designers, and drafters from around the globe to use ZWCAD to design anything they found interesting. The result was a wide range of entries, from traditional 2D architectural drawings to a tiled photographic-like image. First place was awarded to Mutaz Alsidawi of Jordan for his virtual office building that resembled the ZWCAD logo.

“This is a good chance to get a sampling of how people are using the software,” said Raymond Kurland, president of TechniCom Group LLC, who helped judge the entries. “It’s nice to see more complex designs, which I generally rated higher, such as the design by Ubon Suwannarueng. I like how the cross sections were placed, and the model’s realism.”

For more information, visit ZWSOFT.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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