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Working With Our Editors

By DE Editors

Editorial Opportunities in
Desktop Engineering and Desktop Engineering Online

Press Releases - Submit new product press releases with color images for Desktop Engineering’s product departments or news items (Briefings) and product news to [email protected]

Articles - Contribute ideas for an 800- to 1200-word (orlonger) technology tutorial, application story, product review, orfeature with artwork (screenshots, photos, schematics, tables). For guidelines, please read this entire section. You may also call or e-mail Tony Lockwood, 603.563.1631, x250

Commentary - To inquire about writing a 500- to 700- word guest commentary for desktop engineering on almost any topic related to Desktop Engineering, call or e-mail Tony Lockwood, 603.563.1631, x250


Desktop Engineering is for design and mechanicalengineers who use, purchase, or specify computer hardware and softwarefor the design for manufacture/process industries. DE covers all computer platforms, operating systems, applications software, and peripherals. DEclarifies technologies, explains operational theories and practices,and offers hands-on reports of how hardware and software affectsengineers.

DE‘s readers are well educated and technicallyknowledgeable. They are interested in comprehensive technical andscientific information on new and existing technologies and products sothat they can make informed business and technological decisions. Theyare not computer geeks, but they are computer savvy. They are engineersfirst and foremost.

is a computer magazine for design and mechanical engineers and not an engineering magazine that covers computer technologies. DE subscribers who seek to keep up on the latest theories in their area of expertise need to go elsewhere. DE provides news and information on the computer-based tools and technologies available today and emerging tomorrow.

DE‘s provides its readers the news and information they need to succeed at their jobs.

Write an Outline:
Before you write an article for DE, please submit a complete outline. E-mail inquiries are preferred. Please supply your daytime phone number.

An outline includes a working title, a paragraph or two summarizing thearticle’s major points, a paragraph outlining the major graphicalelements that will accompany your article, and a short biographydetailing your qualifications to write on the subject matter.
If your idea is accepted, an editor will work with you on all other details, such as deadline and length.

Due to the volume of unsolicited manuscripts, rejected manuscripts cannot be returned or acknowledged. DE strives to render a decision upon unsolicited manuscripts within two weeks of receipt.

What to Write:
DE offers various types of articles, including focus topics, resource guides, features, application stories, and product reviews.

Focus topics, feature articles, and cover stories are in-depthdiscussions of leading-edge computer technologies. These articles rangein size from 1,000 to 1,200 words.
Application stories and product reviews range in size from 800 to 1,000words. Here, you test drive products and provide readers with ahands-on report.

Things to Remember:
No matter what type of article you write, it must be supported and enhanced visually.Visual information can include screen shots, photos, schematics,tables, charts, checklists, time lines, reading lists, and programcode. The exact mix will depend on your particular article, but each of these items must be accompanied by specific, detailed captions.
Your article also must be original, noncommercial, unpublishedelsewhere, and not under consideration by another publication. Allarticles are subject to editing and significant rewrites. DE is not responsible for lost manuscripts, disks, or artwork.

Ethics Matter:
DE will arrange to have products shipped to you.Never request a product from a company or accept one if offered. Pleasedisclose any and all professional ties, grudges, or investmentsrelating to companies or products you cover.

Submission Guidelines:
Articles should be submitted via e-mail as Word attachmentspreferably saved in RTF or Text format. Captions can be a separateattachment or written at the end of the text of the article.

Number illustrations sequentially and reference them in the text.Provide captions for all illustrations. Captions should not repeat themain text. Identify all printouts with your name and article title.

Reference sidebars, book lists, program code, and other textualelements in text by item title. Such elements should appearsequentially after the main text.

Submit graphics in a separate e-mail and include captions at that time.Electronic files should be TIFF, JPG, or EPS. Resolution must be 300dpi or greater; minimum size is 3 by 4 inches. Only use a commonutility such as StuffIt or PKZip to compress graphics files. Disk,color glossies, or slides are accepted when digital images are notavailable.

Acceptance and Payment:
DE pays for articles upon publication. In most cases, all article rights revert to DE.

Contact Information:

Desktop Engineering Magazine
1283 Main St., PO Box 1039
Dublin, NH 03444

  • Fax 603.563.8192

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    DE Editors's avatar
    DE Editors

    DE’s editors contribute news and new product announcements to Digital Engineering.
    Press releases may be sent to them via [email protected].

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