Wolfram|Alpha Pro Computational Knowledge Product Available

Allows analysis of any type of raw data.

Allows analysis of any type of raw data.

By DE Editors

Wolfram Alpha LLC today announced the immediate availability of Wolfram|Alpha Pro, a new service building on its Wolfram|Alpha computational knowledge engine.

According to the company, the solution emphasizes closer interaction between the user and the Wolfram|Alpha computational knowledge engine. Users can upload virtually any common kind of file or data for automatic analysis. Raw tabular data, images, audio, XML, and dozens of specialized scientific, medical, and mathematical formats are among the more than 60 formats currently supported.

The system automatically applies algorithms and heuristics, as well as built-in knowledge, to derive the most important conclusions from data,  and generate an organized report for the user. Wolfram|Alpha Pro also allows free-form linguistics to be used to make specific queries about uploaded data.

Wolfram|Alpha Pro also adds richer output to Wolfram|Alpha,  automatically generating CDF (Computable Document Format) with interactive controls for animation and manipulation. In addition, users of Wolfram|Alpha Pro gain options for customizing graphical and tabular output for presentations and other purposes, and for downloading raw generated data in more than 60 formats.

For more information, visit Wolfram|Alpha.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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