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December 20, 2013
WindSim AS, which provides CFD technology used to optimize wind turbine placement, wind performance, and bankable AEP, announced the launch of the enhanced GCV solver solution. Results from the use of this technology show maximized wind farm performance; minimized risk, downtime and maintenance costs, the company says.
“Our WindSim CFD technology is used to optimize wind turbine placement and performance,” said John Olaf Romma, WindSim CEO. “Using the WindSim software suite from early concept evaluation through engineering to operation, secures overall capital and operating cost effectiveness. WindSim AS now strengthens its commitment to the wind resource assessment community by taking the CFD technology to a new level, enabling the wind energy industry to maximize return on investments.”
For more information, visit WindSim.
Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.
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