White Paper Features Shock Control for Portable Electronics

Paper explains shock control in small multifeatured electronics, aimed at helping answer consumer demand for robust products.

Paper explains shock control in small multifeatured electronics, aimed at helping answer consumer demand for robust products.

By DE Editors

“Shock Control for Portable Electronics,” a new white paper published by E-A-R Specialty Composites(Indianapolis, IN), a manufacturer of proprietary, high-performanceplastics and foams for noise, vibration, and shock control, is nowavailable for download by clicking here.The paper is a systematic review of the underlying science of shock anddamping aimed at bringing designers of portable electronics up to speedon how to approach shock control in small multifeatured electronicsproducts.

The white paper reviews relationships of drop height, floor surfaces,product materials, and other factors to shock events. Useful equationsfor using the shock transmissibility spectra for varying shock inputsand damping situations, among other formulas that help determine bestapproaches to damping, are explained. Examples from PC designs, harddrives, and LCD protection are used to illustrate the relative benefitsof highly damped elastomer materials in protecting portable electronicsduring shock events. Design tips on how to best incorporate effectivedamped mounts into product designs are also covered.

“Today’s consumer wants cell phones, PDAs, notebook computers, andother portable electronics devices to be smaller but with morefeatures,” says Peter A. Masterson, senior applications engineer withE-A-R Specialty Composites. “Dropping these small products is quitecommon, however, and no matter how small and multi-featured yourproducts are, if they break down due to what consumers consider to beminor shock events, they will not be competitive products.”

For more information, visit earsc.com.

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