What’s New in Simcenter Systems Simulation 2404

New features are related to Simcenter Amesim, Simcenter Flomaster and Simcenter System Analyst.

New features are related to Simcenter Amesim, Simcenter Flomaster and Simcenter System Analyst.

Simcenter systems simulation 2404 offers new features that will help to make ground transportation cleaner and more drivable. Image courtesy of Siemens.

With the release of Simcenter systems simulation 2404 from Siemens, new features are related to Simcenter Amesim, Simcenter Flomaster and Simcenter System Analyst.

Simcenter Amesim 2404

Simcenter Amesim 2404 offers several new features are independent of the libraries or solutions that are being used. 

Consider the enhancement of the graph digitizer. Simulation engineers who need to retrieve numerical values from a part specification curve in a printed image can now also use color detection to extract curve data based on the line color, making it easier to use parts of suppliers’ catalogs in their models even if the characterization data are not fully accessible.

The CAD import tool has been improved with a way to extract CAD geometry of a mechanism. This means that error-prone manual steps are avoided from the model setup process and users can now take advantage of the benefits of the recursive method of the 3D Mechanical library.

Simcenter Flomaster 2404

For Simcenter Flomaster 2404 the update highlights two new features that have been added to make pipe scheduling and reporting easier, and makes it possible to deploy system simulation models in real-time operational environments. 

For fluid system design engineers who need to check that the pressures in the system don’t exceed the pressure ratings of the pipes in their systems, the new pipe scheduling and reporting enhancementsallow the entry of the minimum, maximum and working pressures and validation during the simulation. This enables users to enter data on pipeline operational requirements in one place and then validate systems against those requirements without requiring additional post-processing steps.

The second highlighted new feature opens new opportunities to extend the life of simulation models into the operation phase and realize their full potential. As of release 2404, users have the ability to robustly deploy full-fidelity simulation on the Industrial Edge platform and use their models for virtual sensing, operator training, virtual commissioning, leak detection, sensing in extreme environments, and optimization of their processes. This is important when preparing and transforming simulation models for use as an Executable Digital Twin (xDT).

Client for Git

For Client for Git users new features are added for their daily work. Users can now instantly recognize that a folder is being managed by Client for Git when using Windows File Explorer with the new folder icons per collection type. Also, as of now, it’s not required to download different file versions and compare them manually outside Client for Git environment, thanks to the new configure compare and resolve tools.

Simcenter System Analyst 2404

In Simcenter System Analyst a new automotive demonstrator is available for multi-attribute balancing. This demonstrator shows how Simcenter System Analyst can provide a central dashboard for configuring and optimizing an automotive system across multiple types of analysis (performance, range, drivability, thermal comfort and more). This means that engineers can save time to get the optimum system, by reducing iterations between the teams, and be sure that all attributes have been evaluated with the right system configuration.

The demonstrator offers advantages:

  • A central dashboard for configuring and optimizing a system
  • All system attributes can be evaluated in one place
  • A single source of truth for parameters and system bill of material
  • Includes 13 predefined electric vehicles to test and practice the process
  • Less iterations are needed between teams to go faster to get the best optimum product configuration.
  • Ensuring to use the up-to-date system configuration when optimizing a system

For more product details, click here.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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