Visual Analysis Tools Integrated with MATLAB

AccuSoft announces VisiQuest 4.1

AccuSoft announces VisiQuest 4.1

By DE Editors

On June 27 AccuSoft Corp.  (Northborough, MA) announced version 4.1 of VisiQuest, its visual environment for creating advanced image/data analyses and visualization solutions. This release, says the company,  marks the debut of a strategic integration that allows engineers and researchers to use MATLAB Mfiles in the VisiQuest Visual Programming Environment.  In addition to providing MATLAB users with a simple way to perform dynamic rapid prototyping, the integration will enable engineers and scientists to share their code and collaborate seamlessly on research projects without having to write a user interface, says the company.



VisiQuest 4.1 enables software engineers developing code in MATLAB, C,  C++, or other scripting languages to test all of their algorithms and software in a single environment. VisiQuest offers programmers thousands of standard functions, as well as advanced programming constructs,  furthering their simulation techniques, while vastly improving their productivity. The VisiQuest-MATLAB integration creates powerful visual rapid prototyping environment that will allow users to create rapid prototypes and build super-glyphs that help them solve highly complex problems faster than ever before.

VisiQuest 4.1 runs on Windows 2000, Windows XP, Linux, SGI IRIX, Sun Solaris, HPUX, and Apple OSX. Version 4.1 is a free upgrade for current VisiQuest customers on active maintenance plans. New user pricing begins at $1,795.

Optional software development environment tools for extending functionality are available for an additional $700. Also offered are discounted academic research licenses and free classroom use for students. Free trials are available for download at the AccuSoft website.

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