Vector Fields Builds Features into New CONCERTO

Version 5 RF/microwave simulation software adds Moment Method and incorporates improvements.

Version 5 RF/microwave simulation software adds Moment Method and incorporates improvements.

By DE Editors

Vector Fields(Aurora, IL) has introduced version 5 of its CONCERTO software suitefor radio frequency (RF) and microwave design that incorporates a newCLASP analysis model based on the Moment Method. The Moment Method issuited for applications with large volumes of free space, includingradar cross section (RCS), antenna interaction, and antenna placementcalculations. 

The Moment Method represents volumes only by their surfaces, thereforeonly the surfaces need to be modeled when using the new CLASP module.Additionally, when the matrix system has been solved once, the matrixinverse can be stored for later use, allowing alternate source fieldsto be applied. 

Version 5 includes major improvements to the main analysis tool, theQUICKWAVE FDTD modeler. The Lorentz, Debye, and Drude models fordispersive media have been added to the new version. Magnetizedferrites have also been added, allowing for the effects of a DC biasingmagnetic field to be superimposed on a material. The visualization ofthe simulation has been extended so that all of the field andS-Parameter values can be displayed during the analysis as itprogresses. The new version adds the ability to display fields ondifferent planes as well as the surface currents on the geometry, andthe ability to couple to 3D thermal modeling software, allowing thermaldiffusion to be modeled and making it possible to include the effectsof rotating loads for microwave heating applications.

CONCERTO Version 5 provides three different options on the program CD.The first option runs on single processor personal computers. Thesecond is for dual-processor PCs and performs finite differencecalculations on one processor and visualization of results on thesecond processor. The third option is for four-processor PCs. Thismulti-thread option updates the x, y, and z field components separatelyon three of the processors while using the fourth processor forvisualization.

The modeler and solver are separate in CONCERTO Version 5 so the userhas full access to the modeler while the solver is in use. The solveralso has a stop and restart feature so longer jobs can be suspendedwhile smaller jobs run.

For further information, visit

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