Update to Open-Source BRL-CAD Software

New importers, exporters and bug fixes available in solid modeling system.

New importers, exporters and bug fixes available in solid modeling system.

By DE Editors

The latest version of BRL-CAD (7.20.4), the open-source solid modeling system, is now available. The new release includes several feature enhancement and bug fixes.

The product’s support for NURBS geometry continues to stabilize with improved step-g import support, ray tracing enhancements, better wireframes, and robustness improvements. MGED/Archer continues to approach an alpha release with support added for interactive editing of pipe primitives, improved visualization, new BoT mesh healing capabilities, and more.

The OBJ importer has received a comprehensive overhaul, with improved behavior for polygonal mesh OBJ geometry. There is a new exporter to the DOT format used by Graphviz for creating graphs and visualizations of geometry model hierarchies.

The solution also includes improved nirt support for non-UNIX-style text files; support for loading archer plug-ins with spaces in the names;  a new g-dot exporter for hierarchy visualization; and improved obj-g polygonal import.

For more information, visit BRL-CAD.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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