Latest News
June 1, 2006
By DE Editors
Parasolid version 18.0, the latest release of the geometric modeling component software from UGS Corp. (Plano, TX), is now available.
Parasolid V18.0 includes new capabilities that enhance the level ofuser control over 3D model construction, editing and interrogation, aswell as numerous improvements in application support functions. Thislatest release also consolidates Parasolid’s support for advancedMicrosoft technologies, including Visual Studio 2005 and .NET.
Parasolid V18.0 includes extensions that enhance ease-of-use in keyoperations. Some of these are finer user control in local editing withextensions to thickening, tapering, and embossing; enhanced blendingand filleting in tightly-curved regions through automated re-orderingand repair; graphical enhancements; extended application support withimprovements in data tracking, rollback efficiency, and partitionmanagement; and consolidated support for Microsoft technologies. Thislast includes an upgraded Pentium 4/SSE2 build of Parasolid for 32-bitWindows that uses Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 compilers forimprovements in both footprint and performance.
UGS is also announcing its Version 9.0 of Parasolid Bodyshop, aParasolid-based toolkit that repairs, optimizes, and validates dataimported into Parasolid to maximize the success of downstream modelingoperations. This release features significant performance improvementsin both data cleaning and error recovery, supplemented by enhancedpost-processing of B-spline geometry and new platform support for32-bit MAC OS X and VC8 Windows.
For more information on UGS products and services, visit
Sources: Press materials received from the company. Additional information gleaned from the company’s website.
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