TYCHO for Windows and Linux Available

Upgraded free simulation packages for gas-obstacle interaction.

Upgraded free simulation packages for gas-obstacle interaction.

TYCHO V1.3.1 for Windows and V1.3 for Linux simulation packages are now available. TYCHO is a multidimensional (1D/2D and 3D) compressible hydrodynamics code written in C and parallelized with OpenMP that applies a Lagrangian remap version of the Piecewise Parabolic Method developed by Paul Woodward and Phil Colella. The code is based on the freely available VH-1 Package.

The code provides heat-diffusion within obstacles; thermal-exchange between gas and obstacles; gravity as a constant background field ; inclusion of marker-fields, which are advected with the velocity-field of the gas; up to six different boundary conditions; a graphical user interface to set up all simulation parameters; a 2D initial-condition generator to extract boundaries from Pixelgraphics; a 3D initial-condition generator to extract boundaries from STL and Point Data (such as 3D scans); and sound simulations for investigating dB-Maps with obstacle absorbing and reflecting sound-waves.

The simulation package is focused on gas-obstacle interaction experiments and has special routines for obstacles in wind-streams and advection of marker fields. In addition, momenta and their direction on obstacle-surfaces, thermal diffusion, and viscosity can be studied within a simulation.

For more information, visit TYCHO.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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