Turn Scanned Data to 3D Models

Reverse engineering tool said to complement CAD.

Reverse engineering tool said to complement CAD.

By DE Editors

INUS Technology says that its new rapidformXO Redesign(XOR) makes creating models from scanned data easier and faster. Inpart, XOR achieves this by leveraging standard solid and surfacemodeling workflows and UIs (user interfaces). XOR is said to requireminimal training and reduce the time necessary to process 3D scan data.

XOR is designed to integrate within an enterprise as a completesolution at the department level or higher. It enables engineers tocreate fully parametric CAD solids from 3D scan data and polygon meshdata while they use such applications as CATIA, Pro/Engineer,SolidWorks, and Unigraphics. XOR offers automatic and interactive meshcleaning tools as well mesh optimization for direct use in RP, CAM, andCAE applications. Its scan-to-CAD coordinate alignment functionalityincludes an auto-align wizard with intelligent alignment tools,interactive alignment functionality, and quick fit/best fit functions.

XOR’s Redesign Assistant provides an intelligent design-intentextraction toolset. Features include automatic mesh regionsegmentation; extract extrusions, revolutions, sweeps, pipes, fillets,patterns, thickness, and other feature parameters; the ability tocreate sketch profiles from mesh models, and intelligent real-timegeometry snapping.

The software’s Accuracy Analyzer capability provides object-sensitiveanalysis tools and allows for redesign within allowable tolerances. Italso features automatic and real-time error visualizations.Miscellaneous features include one-button mesh-to-surface generation,the ability to transfer output models with full history to your CADsystem, file exports in a variety of standard formats, freeform surfaceand parametric solid hybrid modeling functions, and a wizard foraligning 3D scan data to an ideal design coordinate system.

For complete details and to sign up for a demonstration, click here togo to the XOR web page. To access a number of online videos onrapidformXO Redesign, click here. To request an evaluation, click here.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website. 

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