TriStar Releases Pre-Packaged Service Offerings

Targeted at PTC Windchill customers.

Targeted at PTC Windchill customers.

TriStar announced the release of four pre-packaged service offerings that the company says will help small to medium sized businesses operate more efficiently. The packages (“PLM System Health Check,” “Remote Administration,” “Change Management,” and “BOM Release to Manufacturing”) are all designed for existing customers of PTC Windchill.

PLM System Health Check audits and baselines system performance, stability, and capability while including quick-fixes and future recommendations. Remote Administration is targeted at companies looking to lower operational costs and increase effectiveness of their teams by outsourcing run time administration and accessing the experience of Windchill consultants.

Fully digital and programmatic BOM Release to Manufacturing can be used to speed time to market and decrease the cost of quality. Utilizing ERP Connector software, process consultants normalize and link the bill of material with process logic to push bills of material out for other systems.

“Focusing on core competencies is a timeless strategy and digitizing critical value chain processes is a necessity for competitiveness,” said Kevin Abney, vice president of services at TriStar. “These packages address both facets by productizing the services required for companies to realize both. Focusing scope to essential elements for small to medium businesses allows us to provide predictable, high value impact, while our team size and experience affords unparalleled depth and breadth of support.”

For more information, visit TriStar.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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