Token-Based Pricing and Delivery for NEiNastran

New functionality can improve your management of NEiNastran V9.0 license usage

New functionality can improve your management of NEiNastran V9.0 license usage

By DE Editors

Noran Engineering, Inc. (Westminster, CA) has announced that itsNEiNastran V9.0 will available with token-based pricing which, the companysays, will allow for additional technology at a fraction of the cost.This functionality will allow Noran Engineering to apply token-basedsolutions to its NEiNastran and NEiWorks suite of products. (NEiWorksis an embedded finite element-modeling tool for SolidWorks. Click herefor more on NEiWorks.)

Previously, the NEiNastran solver was priced by the seat only, based onthe need for a linear solution or a nonlinear solution. What thetoken-based approach means is that the company’s SolidWorks users canhavethe capability of distinguishing their NEiWorks meshing and NeiNastransolving routines, thereby efficiently managing and maximizing the usageof the actual number of licenses acquired.

Noran Engineering will be using the FLEXnet Manager from Macrovision(Santa Clara, CA), a developer of technologies for content protection,software licensing, installation, and digital rights management.FLEXnet Manager helps organizations optimize software spending,simplify license administration, and ensure end users have access tothe licenses they need to do their jobs.

For more details, go to the Noran Engineering website.

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