threeRivers 3D introduces MACRO field of view 3D laser scanner

New addition to product line intended for small part scanning.

New addition to product line intended for small part scanning.

By DE Editors

threeRivers 3D Inc. has launched the LC-2-MACRO. The LC-2-MACRO is designed for 3D scanning of small parts such as dental molds, hearing aid impressions, jewelry and other highly detailed parts.

The LC-2-MACRO has a working volume of 4x3x3-in. and a point spacing of 80um. Sharing the same architecture as the LC-2, the"MACRO version has a scan time of 5 seconds for a single view, a resolution of 1.2 million points and includes an automated rotary turntable for 360 degree scanning.

Features and options of the LC-2-MACRO include the ability to capture 3D data at a resolution of 1280x960 per individual scan, optional rotary turntable automates full 360 ° capture, an Ethernet interface assists with scanner setup, configuration and provides data transfer. Additionally, all LC-2 series scanners are laser based and are designed to be used in production environments, custom configurations and form factors are readily available, and full turnkey systems are offered including multiple scanner and multiple automated turntable support.

“In addition to the standard LC-2-MACRO scanner, we can also offer a SUPER-MACRO version with 2- to 4-times the resolution on a custom basis,” said threeRivers 3D president and CEO Mike Formica. “Our unique architecture enables us to configure any scanner to specifically meet the needs of that application.”

For more information, visit threeRivers 3D Inc.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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