Three Ways Generative Design is Transforming Business

Generative design is an exploration tool that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to simultaneously generate multiple solutions based on real-world design goals, product performance requirements, and manufacturing constraints.

Generative design is an exploration tool that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to simultaneously generate multiple solutions based on real-world design goals, product performance requirements, and manufacturing constraints. Learn how it can change your company.

Solving design challenges with generative design

Engineers and designers are limited in time, resources, and energy that can be spent on a given design problem to fully explore both the design and manufacturing options that may be available.

Due to these constraints, they resort to heuristic, evolutionary, incremental improvements to previous design solutions created with proven, or
in-use fabrication methods. As a result, components are often over-designed to meet performance criteria with minimal change to the status quo making innovation and differentiation difficult.

Generative design is a new, disruptive technology poised to upend the current state of design and engineering. No longer is the designer or engineer limited by their imagination, previous design history, or their past experience.

Download or learn more today

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