Third Annual Extreme Redesign Global Design and 3D Printing Contest

$2,500 and $1,000 student scholarship awards aimed at promoting interest in engineering careers.

$2,500 and $1,000 student scholarship awards aimed at promoting interest in engineering careers.

By DE Editors

The Dimension 3D Printing Group, a business unit of Stratasys, Inc. (Eden Praire, MN),has announced the third annual Extreme Redesign: The Ultimate 3DPrinting Challenge global design and 3D printing contest for highschool and college students. CAD students worldwide are invited to sendin their best Extreme Redesigns for a chance at scholarships in theamounts of $2,500 or $1,000. Judging is based on design creativity,part utility, integrity, and aesthetics.

The company will award teachers of first-place student winners anotebook computer for classroom use. In addition, the teacher with themost student entries overall will receive a notebook computer forencouraging student participation in the contest. To qualify, theinstructor’s name and e-mail address should be included on the contestapplication form.

Last year’s Extreme Redesign contest received more than 500 studententries from around the world. Winning designs included a detachablecord reel, electric toothbrush wall mount, and rotating calendar.Photos and descriptions of the 2004 and 2005 winners are available on the Extreme ReDesign web page.

To enter, students need to identify an existing product, piece of art,or architecture and redesign it, improving on the original design byadding new functionality or aesthetic qualities. Once the design iscomplete, students send an .STL file of their Extreme Redesign via theDimension website along with a completed submission form and a 200-worddescription of the value and benefit of the redesigned part. Dimensionwill then send entrants a 3D print of their redesign that they can holdin their hands and evaluate. From that point, entrants have theopportunity to make design improvements to develop a second iterationfor final submission.

Final entries must be postmarked by Dec. 31, 2006. Complete contest rules and submission details are available by clicking here.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.


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