Thinkbox Releases Stoke MX

Autodesk plug-in for particle clouds supports large number of emitter and velocity sources.

Autodesk plug-in for particle clouds supports large number of emitter and velocity sources.

Thinkbox Software announced Stoke MX, a particle simulator plug-in for Autodesk 3ds Max designed to simplify and accelerate the creation of high-volume particle clouds driven by velocity fields.

The solution supports a large number of emitter and velocity sources, and introduces new workflows. Previously unavailable capabilities include multi-threaded particle advection, rapid memory-buffered playback, and asynchronous multi-threaded particle file saving, which enables higher performance compared to existing workflows.

Other new features includequick particle generation from other particle systems, geometry surfaces, volumes, vertices and edges including selection and soft-selection support, as well as from Sitni Sati’s FumeFX simulations; optional emitter channel acquisition with minimal overhead; and particle advection using velocities from other particle systems or files, 3ds Max force space warps, FumeFX simulations, Thinkbox’s Ember simulations, and other Stoke simulations.

Flexible memory caching allows for fast simulation iterations and interactive viewport playback. The solution also includes PRT file saving using one or more background threads, decoupling the simulation from the particle saving process for faster iterations.

Extensive MAXScript exposure enables the creation of custom Stoke-based tools. The solution is compatible with the Thinkbox’s Krakatoa MX high-volume particle renderer and its various components, including PRT Loader and other PRT objects, Magma and delete modifiers, particle data viewer, etc. It is also compatible with Thinkbox the company’s Frost particle mesher (version 1.3.5 and higher).

For more information, visit Thinkbox Software.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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