Tetra 4D and Anark Announce New Work Instruction Authoring Solution

Anark Core Exchange software now bundled with Tetra PDF Converter.

Anark Core Exchange software now bundled with Tetra PDF Converter.

By DE Editors

Tetra 4D and Anark have announced the release of the Anark Core Exchange software bundle that includes Tetra 4D 3D PDF Converter 3.2 for Adobe Acrobat X Pro and Anark Core Workstation Exchange 4.0.

The Anark Core Exchange software bundle provides users with an intuitive user interface and features for repurposing and simplifying “heavy” 3D CAD parts and assemblies into lightweight, fully animated 3D PDF work instructions and other manufacturing process documents, such as First Article Inspection documents, Assembly/Disassembly and Maintenance and Repair Operation documents.

For more information, visit Tetra 4D and Anark.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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