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By DE Editors

KeyCreator 5 Hits Interoperability Head-On

Provides efficient path between OEMs and job shops, designers, and manufacturers
Late in October, Kubotek USA (Marlborough, MA) announced KeyCreator 5,the newest version of its widely used design and manufacturingsolution. Version 5 attacks interoperability issues head-on, says thecompany. It adds that moldmakers and job shops in particular will finduncommon value in KeyCreator 5’s new functionality for detecting andworking with specific patterns and features within a model and dumbimported files.

KeyCreator 5 is said to provide substantial new functionality thatbuilds on the company’s use of geometry and intelligent freeformmodeling capabilities. This architecture lets you import, edit, andwork with non-native files easily. Version 5’s new pattern and featurediscovery functionality, for example, lets you highlight, prune, andgraft distinct model elements, patterns, groups of features, and blendsquickly.

KeyCreator 5.0 Direct Feature Editing Toolbox holds the tools to editfeatures in dumb models directly. For example, its face selection,pattern, and feature discovery capabilities let you find, name, select,and work with any pattern or feature in a model, including blends,sheet metal bends, holes, pockets, bosses, and countersinks. Moldmakerscould, for example, use this functionality to speed the creationprocess by stripping away extraneous parts quickly.

The Toolbox’s Prune capability enables you to create a tool solid fromselected sets of faces of an existing solid, and the Graft functionaids in dynamic orienting and positioning as well as uniting orsubtracting pruned tool solids.

KeyCreator blends surface, solid, and wireframe modeling, whichprovides you with flexible model modification and editingfunctionality. Miscellaneous features found in Version 5 includeuser-definable 3D dynamic environment map rendering, zebra lineanalysis, dynamic transparent cutting plane, user-definable backgroundimage support, and sheet-metal bending. To download an extensive listof major enhancements in keyCreator5, click here.

The KeyCreator product family includes multidimensional design anddrafting, NC programming, and the company’s geometry-based foundationwith localized feature editing and deformation techniques. NorthAmerican pricing for KeyCreator 5 begins at $3495, including one yearof maintenance. Current, maintenance-paying customers can download thenew version immediately.

For complete details, click here.

]META] Kubotek USA, CADKEY, CAD, MCAD, interoperability,


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