Tecplot Releases Tecplot Chorus Analytics Solution

Software simplifies analyzing and managing multiple CFD cases.

Software simplifies analyzing and managing multiple CFD cases.

By DE Editors

Tecplot announced the general availability of Tecplot Chorus, a simulation analytics product for engineers that integrates metadata analysis, post-processing, and simulation data management in one software tool. Tecplot Chorus allows engineers to more easily discover trends and anomalies in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) studies and simultaneously gain insight into the underlying, fluid-dynamic phenomena that cause these variations, all in one environment.

Encompassing the capabilities of both business analytics tools and traditional post-processors, Tecplot Chorus enables engineers to leverage the information within simulation datasets, providing simultaneous analysis of the detailed field data and the associated key simulation result(s) as functions of input parameters.

Tecplot Chorus integrates analysis and quality assurance processes with flexible features that are designed to manage, analyze and visualize large amounts of metadata, identify trends and anomalies, and link them to the underlying physics. It allows engineers to analyze data from one to thousands of simulation cases simultaneously, and incorporates an easy-to-use simulation data management system for both test and computational data. The new simulation analytics tool also promotes greater collaboration and efficiencies among teams of engineers,  allowing them to archive and share large sets of simulation data to enhance teamwork and avoid duplicating work.

For more information, visit Tecplot.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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