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Tech-X Announces VSim 10.1

Software features phased arrays, improved CAD and geometry functionalities, and photon emission reaction support.

Software features phased arrays, improved CAD and geometry functionalities, and photon emission reaction support.

VSim visualization of near and far electric fields from an antenna array with a single excited element. Image courtesy of Tech-X.

Tech-X releases VSim 10.1. The software has added boolean operation functionality to CAD geometries as well as the ability to duplicate CAD geometries into rectangular arrays. Boolean operations can be performed between separate CAD geometries or between CAD and CSG geometries. 

Track Photon Emissions with Radiation Reaction Feature

VSim 10.1 features a new radiation reaction feature available to users of the plasma acceleration package (VSimPA). This feature allows for relativistic electrons to emit photons that can be optionally tracked in the simulation to record emission energy (weight), position, and relativistic gamma (number of photons).

Phased Array Capabilities

VSim 10.1 includes a new phased array antenna simulation example available to users of the electromagnetics package(VSimEM). Users can now easily set up their own multiple element antenna to analyze its radiation pattern and optimize their design.

New Example Simulations Included with VSim 10.1

  • Phased Array Antenna:  Set up a phased array simulation and analyze far-field results.
  • Antenna Array Single Excited Element: Measure coupling in phased array antennas.
  • Visual Setup Version of Electron-Beam Driven Plasma: Demonstrates a method to simulate an electron-beam driven plasma wakefield accelerator

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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