StudioGPU MachStudio Pro Adds Support for Google SketchUp Pro and Rhino Software

New exporters provide immediate access to real-time 3D workflow and rendering.

New exporters provide immediate access to real-time 3D workflow and rendering.

By DE Editors

StudioGPU has announced that MachStudio Pro, a professional 3D-workflow and rendering package, now offers free exporters for Google SketchUp Pro and McNeel Rhino 3D. With these new exporters, 3D assets from SketchUp Pro 7 and Rhino 4 can easily be transferred into MachStudio Pro, where users can create and manipulate lights, materials, and HDR cameras in a real-time non-linear environment to achieve cinematic-quality results.

MachStudio Pro is real-time 3D shot finaling and compositing package. Visit StudioGPU and AMD at SIGGRAPH 2009 in New Orleans, Aug. 4-6 to see the benefits of MachStudio Pro on the latest AMD ATI 3D workstation graphics accelerators.

MachStudio Pro ships with an AMD ATI FireGL V8650 3D-workstation graphics accelerator card featuring 2GB onboard graphics memory and a parallel processing Unified Shader architecture.

Download the new Google SketchUp Pro 7 and Rhino 4 exporters and tutorials here.

MachStudio Pro supports Microsoft Windows XP Professional and Windows Vista operating systems. It has an introductory price of $4,999,  which includes a year of technical support and product maintenance updates.

For more information, visit StudioGPU.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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