Studio 8 Adds Data Capture Advances
Geomagic delivers new service releases, extends measurement system plug-ins.
Latest News
February 1, 2006
By DE Editors
Geomagic(Research Triangle Park, NC) has announced new service releases forGeomagic Studio and Geomagic Qualify intended to add significantenhancements for data capture and digital reconstruction. It alsoincludes improvements to global registration, contour creation, surfacefitting, and extended support for new measurement system plug-ins.
Service Release 2 builds upon Geomagic Studio 8, introduced last July,that speeds patch layout and improves surface quality for complex CADmodels. Version 8 reduces NURBS surfacing time for complex objects byas much as 80 percent.
New functionality and workflow improvements in Geomagic Studio 8 SR2include a slip control feature that provides greater accuracy forglobal registration; improved automation and flexibility for contourcreation, including editing of patches in both local and global modes;enhanced surface fitting with better continuity and curvature maps forvalidating proper positioning; and an option for flexible ASCII dataimport.
The latest Geomagic plug-ins for FARO and Perceptron provide newcapabilities that include hard-probe scanning, probe-position digitalreadout, improved feature-creation workflow, a customizable large-fontdisplay, and a real-time option that discards laser scan data below aclipping plane. These new capabilities are also supported in the latestversions of plug-ins for Creaform Handyscan 3D and the Kreon Zephyrscanner. Geomagic has also added functionality to its plug-in for theKonica-Minolta Vivid 9i, which now automatically registers each scan asit is acquired with target registration.
Geomagic Qualify SR1 includes enhanced functionality and supports allof the new plug-in features. The software is available in multiplelanguages. For more information, visit
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