Stratasys and Objet Geometries Part Ways

Transition roadmap extends service to August 2007.

Transition roadmap extends service to August 2007.

By DE Editors

Stratasys, Inc. (Minneapolis, MN) and Objet Geometries Ltd. (Rehovot, Israel) have announced a parting of ways.

Stratasys will discontinue the sale of Eden PolyJet 3D printers andrelated products from Objet Geometries on January 1, 2007, and Objetwill assume complete and direct responsibility for all its NorthAmerican sales and support on the same date. According to theannouncements, Stratasys will continue to conduct maintenance on theEden systems it has installed until August 2007. Objet will takeresponsibility for customer support for the current Eden installed basein North America on September 1, 2007.

“After evaluating our options to maintain the Eden product line withinour family of ...  systems,” said Scott Crump,chairman and chief executive officer of Stratasys in a press statement,“we have concluded that our best option is to discontinue thedistribution of the ]Eden] product line. ... This actionis based on strategic and financial considerations.”

For its part, Objet has opted to grow its own North Americanorganization. In one sign of that, Frank Marangell has been appointedas president of Objet America. Marangell has spent the past 18 years inmanagerial positions including the US President of Elbit Vision Systemsand VP Sales of Orbotech‘s PCB division. Marangell will oversee thetransition process.

”... We have decided to pursue growth throughour own organization in North America”, said Adina Shorr, CEO of ObjetGeometries in a press statement. “We are focusing our commitment to ourNorth American customers by expanding our market presence.”

Stratasys originally announced its exclusive distribution partnershipwith Objet Geometries on September 9, 2003. At that time, therelationship centered on Objet’s Eden333 system. Today, it encompassesfour additional models.

For more information on Stratasys, click here. Click here to go to Object Geometries.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additionalinformation gleaned from the websites of the various companies.

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