STAR-CAD Series V4.02 Released

Upfront flow simulation tool embeds within your CAD environment.

Upfront flow simulation tool embeds within your CAD environment.

By DE Editors

CD-adapco (Melville, NY and London, UK) has released STAR-CAD SeriesV4.02, the newest version of its upfront flow and thermal simulationtool.  The STAR-CAD Series embeds inside major 3D-CAD packages,making CFD an integral part of the CAD model. V4.02 of the STAR-CADSeries for the Windows 32-bit platform includes STAR-CAT5 for CATIA V5,STAR-Pro/E for Pro/Engineer Wildfire, STAR-NX for NX, and STAR-Worksfor SolidWorks.

The STAR-CAD Series enables design and project engineers to undertakebasic flow simulations, even if they lack experience in traditional CFDanalysis. Each of these CAD-specific applications enables you to set upand run simulations from within your CAD environment. Because of fullassociativity with the model’s geometry, any design changes made inresponse to simulation results are reflected in the analysis solutionalmost immediately. You can update solutions with the click of abutton, and solutions store within the model, making them accessible todownstream users. You can also store your STAR-CAD Series solutionsdirectly in your PDM system, which, according to the company, no otherCAD-integrated solution can handle at this time.

STAR-CAD Series V4.02 offers such new features as additional boundaryconditions and external thermal treatments as well as a volume meshingstrategy for assemblies. V4.02 provides faster mesh generation andsolver speeds than earlier versions, and it offers improvements to theturbulence modeling that reduce grid sensitivity. The addition ofHTML-based reporting improves the reporting of engineering quantities.Interactive, 3D results files can now be sent direct to your manager orclient with a freeware visualization utility, enabling the fast andefficient communication of flow simulation data.

For full details, to access complete brochures, and to register form upcoming webinars, click here.

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