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By DE Editors

Desktop Engineering magazine is printed web offset and is produced using a computer-to-plate workflow.

Digital ads are preferred.

Our production department is Macintosh based.



QuarkXpress: QuarkXPress 6.1 or earlier files, created on the Macintosh platform. All files will need to have fonts and graphics collected to output.

PDF FILES (preferred): We will accept a high-resolution, print-optimized PDF file, at 300 dpi minimum. File must be in CMYK format, with fonts and all images embedded. PDF files should be created with ICC Profiles turned off.

PC PLATFORM: QuarkXPress files created on the PC platform or any ads created in other graphics programs must be saved as an .eps files, with fonts and images embedded, CMYK format, 300 dpi minimum.
EPS FILES: Ads created as Photoshop.eps or Illustrator.eps files will be accepted. Fonts must be saved to outlines. Files created in Photoshop should be created with ICC Profiles turned off.
ELECTRONIC FILES: Can be accepted via FTP site or on a CD-ROM. Files can be accepted via e-mail attachment if they are sent in self-extracting achive (.sea) format.

TRIM SIZE: 7 7/8” by 10 3/4”. Full-page ads should be prepared using 7 7/8” by 10 3/4” as the document size. Two-page spread ads should be prepared using 15 3/4” by 10 3/4” as the document size. If ads are to bleed, graphics boxes should extend 1/4” beyond trim size. Live matter must be held 1/2” inside trim.

CORRECTIONS: If corrections need to be made at bluelines (after the magazine ships to the printer), add a $100 fee.

FONTS AND GRAPHICS: All screen and printer fonts and all high-resolutions graphics must be included. Files must be in CMYK format, 300 dpi at 100% of the file size. Line art should be 1250 DPI. When creating text with attributes (bold, italic, etc.), use a specific font, not the style menu, to assign the attributes.

PROOFS: Two proofs are required. A Kodak Approval proof, Iris proof, Fuji Pictro proof, or Rainbow proof is required to guarantee accurate color reproduction on press. Color laser proofs are not acceptable press proofs. Publisher assumes no responsibility if these conditions are not met.

Please contact Maribeth Buchanan for instructions at
603.563.1631, x257 or Email

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