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December 18, 2013
SpaceClaim Engineer 2014 is now available. “We continue to invest every year in R&D to make SpaceClaim Engineer a better platform for design engineers, CAE analysts and manufacturing engineers to embrace the 3D modeling that was previously the sole domain of CAD experts,” said Chris Randles, SpaceClaim CEO. “This version of SpaceClaim Engineer is our fastest, easiest, most flexible and most powerful release ever. It brings the benefits of 3D to a new level, with new modeling capabilities, and exciting new collaboration tools.”
According to the company, the new release provides faster performance for many functions throughout the software, including a 30 percent improvement in model load times and multithreading support in several areas, including file import.
The new release offers several new tools that speed and automate common tasks in model pre-processing, and also expands interoperability with new translators and file format compatibilities, including Solid Edge AMF and AutoCAD. The software also provides full support for the ASME 14.5 standard for notation and inclusion of tolerance data with the geometry.
It includes direct drag-and-drop file access from Outlook and new semi-parametric functionality, along with support for Web-hosted, browser-viewable models that anyone can view and interact with using a PC, smartphone or tablet.
Dynamics for SpaceClaim is a fully integrated add-in from Algoryx Simulation available for the first time with the launch of SpaceClaim 2014. It provides motion dynamics for multi-body systems with joints and frictional contacts, driven by Algoryx’ AgX Dynamics physics engine. When installed, a Dynamics tab in SpaceClaim offers mechanics modeling, interactive dynamics simulation, plotting and analysis, and full Luxion Keyshot integration for photo-realistic simulation videos.
For more information, visit SpaceClaim.
Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.
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